Dear Colleagues and friends

The significance of the Forensics 2024 conference, organized by BioScope, lies in its holistic and interdisciplinary approach to criminal justice. This event is uniquely valuable because it brings together judges, prosecutors, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, and scientists, providing a singular platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among professionals from various fields. This interaction fosters a broader and deeper understanding of all aspects of the justice system.
Moreover, the collaboration among these diverse disciplines aims to improve every stage of the judicial process – from detention and investigation to evidence presentation, defense, and prosecution. This collaborative focus can lead to more efficient and fair methods of case resolution. One of the primary goals of Forensics 2024 is to ensure that the guilty are appropriately held accountable and the innocent are protected. By combining legal expertise with scientific and psychological insights, the conference seeks to minimize judicial errors and ensure that decisions are based on solid evidence and thorough analysis.
The conference also emphasizes the importance of considering the psychological and social nuances in law enforcement. Understanding the motivations, circumstances, and mental health of those involved can lead to a more humane and empathetic justice system. Furthermore, the union of different areas of knowledge encourages innovation, particularly in the field of forensic science. New techniques for investigation, evidence analysis, and psychological approaches may emerge from these collaborations, raising the standards and efficacy of the judicial system.
In summary, Forensics 2024 represents an invaluable opportunity to bring together experts from multiple disciplines around a common goal: to strengthen the integrity and efficiency of the justice system, ensuring that truth prevails and justice is served in an equitable and well-founded manner.

Yours truly
J. L. Capelo

C. Lodeiro
Conference chairs
On behalf of the organizing and scientific committee

Plenary Speakers

Simona Francese, PhD

Sheffield University (UK)

TED Talk “Your fingerprints reveal more than you think”

Laura Mercolini, PhD

University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)

Microsampling to tackle the complex scenario of new psychoactive substances

Denis A. Cusack, PhD

University College Dublin, Dublin (Republic of Ireland)

Niels Morling, PhD

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Forensic Genetic Genealogy

Lorna Dawson, PhD

The James Hutton Institute (UK)

“The Importance of Soil in Forensic Science” 

Yu Chen, PhD

Binghamton University – State University of New York (USA)

Digital Media Forensics in the Age of Deepfakes

Christopher Milroy, PhD

University of Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)

The fentanyl crisis and the criminal justice system

Alexander Jason, PhD

ANITE Group (UK)

A Gun Too Far: Analysis of a Homicide

KPRK Talks



Title: Avaliable soon.

Keynote Speakers

Noemi Procopio, PhD

University of Central Lancashire, School of Law and Policing (UK)

Forensic microbes, the invisible witnesses assisting with Post Mortem Interval estimation

Avinash Lakkawar, PhD

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry (India)

Determination of Postmortem interval in cattle Carcasses

Jacqueline Parai, PhD

University of Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)

Subnuclear tubular vacuoles in the kidneys of alcohol use disorder deaths

Henrike Neumann

The Danish Independent Evidence Oversight Board (Denmark)

Overseeing the Handling of Technical Evidence by Police and Prosecution in Denmark

David O. Carter, PhD

Professor of Forensic Sciences, School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Chaminade University of Honolulu (USA)

A Synthesis of carcass decomposition studies in a tropical habitat

Wade Myers, PhD

The Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University, Rhode Island (USA)

Serial sexual murder by juveniles and the role of sexual sadism: An international study

Symposium Subjects

  • New trends in Forensic Analysis
  • New views for traditional forensics
  • Forensic Pathology
  • Death Investigation
  • Forensic Sciences
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Policing
  • Legal and Judicial Systems

Hotel TRYP Lisboa Caparica Mar

Be aware of cold calls from Convention Hotel Services (CHS) or from someone named Adam Max! A company called CHS (Convention Hotel Services) is calling or e-mailing attendees of conferences worldwide, claiming to work for the conference organizers and asking for credit card details to finalize the booking of accommodation. If you receive such a call or e-mail, do not give away any personal information or credit card details! None of the parties involved in the organization of FORENSICS 2024 is working with CHS

We look forward to seeing you soon.

With kindest regards